Personal Profile
Resource representing a user's personal and contact information.
The Personal Profile resource contains sensitive personal information about a user, including their identification details, contact information, and occupation.
Unique identifier of the profile.
Version number of the profile. Any update increments this number.
ID of the user that owns the profile.
Timestamp when the profile was created.
Timestamp when the profile was last updated.
The individual's occupation.
Object containing the individual's personal information. See the personal info object.
Object containing the user's contact details. See the contact info object.
Copied1{2 "id": "3b31f309-93ad-463a-ad1d-c39cac1c0a3d",3 "version": 1,4 "owner_user_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",5 "create_time": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",6 "update_time": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",7 "occupation": "Software Developer",8 "personal_info": {9 "first_name": "John",10 "middle_initial": "A",11 "last_name": "Doe",12 "date_of_birth": "01/01/1990",13 "personal_taxpayer_identification_number": "XXX-XX-6789"14 },15 "contact_info": {16 "email": "",17 "phone_number": "+1-555-555-5555",18 "address": {19 "address_line_1": "123 Main St",20 "address_line_2": "Apt 4B",21 "city": "Miami",22 "region": "FL",23 "postal_code": "33134",24 "country": "United States"25 }26 }27}
Personal Info
The individual's first name.
The individual's middle initial.
The individual's last name.
The individual's date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY).
The individual's SSN or ITIN. This value may be redacted when retrieving a profile.
Contact Info
The email address.
The phone number. This will be formatted to include country code if not already included.
The physical contact address. See the physical address object.
Physical Address
First line of the address.
Second line of the address.
The city.
The region (state/province/territory).
The postal code.
The country.